Passing the Torch

Lesson for the Teen Devo, 6/10/16

Our congregation has a great tradition from over the years called the “Passing the Torch” night with the teen ministry. It’s a special teen devotional that celebrates graduating high school seniors and welcomes students entering high school along with their parents. This year’s event featured some great fellowship time and lawn games (including some spirited tug-of-war battles), a lesson and a ceremony where an actual torch was passed from the group of graduating seniors to the new high schoolers with an inspiring charge given by our teen minister. I was honored to be asked to teach the lesson for the (more…)

Ending it well

Communion message from 12/27/15

( Note (1/4/16):  these are my raw notes from the communion message from 12/27/15.  I may revise these to make them more readable later, but here they are for now…) Last Sunday / worship service of 2015 end of the year, but beginning of a new year  – look back at fun memories, victories but also disappointments and failures  – look ahead to resolutions, goals, new opportunities, with new challenges ending things well:   2 villians of of Christmas and what they were like after Christmas was over  – Scrooge quote “And it was always said of him, that he (more…)

Three Responsibilities of a Shepherd

We were talking last night at a dinner with friends about the shepherding role of elders.  One person noted that one does not need to be an elder to shepherd, but that elders should be shepherds.  I agree – we need more men and their wives to step up and serve as shepherds to lead small groups and help them grow spiritually. Shepherds need to have a flock to care for.  This could be a small group, larger group or, in the case of the elder, the whole congregation.  There are three main things a shepherd must do for his (more…)