In this stanza, the psalmist talks about how to fully understand the amazing Word that he described in the last stanza. In v. 97-99, he talks about meditating on the Word. Meditating on the Word all day long helps him to be wiser than his enemies and have more insight than his teachers. Meditating on God’s Word is a path to full understanding of what God wants to tell us through his Word. Next, in v. 100-102, he talks about obedience and how it leads to more understanding than the elders, and that obedience leads to a desire to keep
This stanza marks the end of the first half of Psalm 119, and the psalmist closes the first half with what the NIV Study Bible says is a prayer. In this prayer, the psalmist spends the first half focused on his weaknesses, then the second half calling on God to help him. The psalmist mentions his weaknesses: v. 81 – spiritual – his soul is longing for salvation v. 82 – emotional – his eyes are weak, like in v. 7. Where he uses the analogy of weakness eyes for longing deferred v. 83 – physical – wineskins weakened by
Communion is a time to consider what Jesus did for us on the cross. By taking away our debt of sin, he gave us forgiveness, but what does that really mean? Colossians 2:13-14(NIV) 13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross Here Paul uses a legal term to talk about how our sin was a charge against us involving indebtedness –
After making his requests from God in the last stanza, the psalmist talks about how his desire to obey God’s Word will direct his life. First, he can stand up and answer those who oppose him in his love of the Word, and he will focus on speaking only “your word of truth”. He then makes three commitments to how he will live for God’s Word: “I will always obey your law, for ever and ever.” – he commits to a life of obedience to the Word, and for it to have no end. “I will walk about in freedom,
We were talking last night at a dinner with friends about the shepherding role of elders. One person noted that one does not need to be an elder to shepherd, but that elders should be shepherds. I agree – we need more men and their wives to step up and serve as shepherds to lead small groups and help them grow spiritually. Shepherds need to have a flock to care for. This could be a small group, larger group or, in the case of the elder, the whole congregation. There are three main things a shepherd must do for his
Last week was Thanksgiving week, and we were happy to spend it with our grandson, daughter and son-in-law at his mother’s house. The weather this weekend was amazing, with 70’s and cool clear skies, so we took a walk after the meal, taking turns walking with and carrying the little guy. On Friday, they came over to spend the afternoon, so we took another walk, this time with his new shoes on, then went to see a local Christmas light display. Tonight we had dinner with another couple from church and they asked about our Thanksgiving, and I smiled as
Happy Thanksgiving!
So many blessings this past year – here’s hoping you have a day full of giving thanks for how God has blessed you.
Marriages That Glorify God: We Are Maturing as a Couple This is the fourth lesson for the series “The Marriage You Want” – see the Introduction post to get started.
Marriages That Glorify God: We Are United As One Flesh This is the third lesson for the series “The Marriage You Want” – see the Introduction post to get started.
Worship Location Change for 11/21
We’ll be meeting at Northwood H.S. this week at 10:30am (NOT SPRINGBROOK) – the address is 919 University Blvd W, Silver Spring, MD 20901.