It’s finally here (almost) – Reach 2016!  If you’re attending, and you run across my website, please register for access (see “Subscribe to Blog via Email” to the right).  I’m currently posting lessons on Psalm 119, and there are lessons I’ve presented recently at worship services and devos.  Also, I’ll be posting some past lessons I’ve put together on marriage, parenting and spiritual disciplines, and I’m in the process of writing a few books – as I develop these, I’ll post many of the chapters and other notes.  Please join me, and together we’ll “make every effort to add to your faith…”.

Date: July 7, 2016—July 10, 2016
Event: Reach 2016
Sponsor: International Churches of Christ
Venue: St Louis Convention Center
Location: St Louis, MO
Public: Public

Passing the Torch

Lesson for the Teen Devo, 6/10/16

Our congregation has a great tradition from over the years called the “Passing the Torch” night with the teen ministry. It’s a special teen devotional that celebrates graduating high school seniors and welcomes students entering high school along with their parents. This year’s event featured some great fellowship time and lawn games (including some spirited tug-of-war battles), a lesson and a ceremony where an actual torch was passed from the group of graduating seniors to the new high schoolers with an inspiring charge given by our teen minister. I was honored to be asked to teach the lesson for the (more…)

Psalm 119 – Yodh

v. 73-80

Over the last few stanzas, the psalmist has expressed his feelings about God and the Word:  Zayin (v. 49-56) talked about comfort God provides through remembering His laws, Heth (v. 57-64) talks about security by walking in God’s Word and Teth (v. 65-72) mentions how God teaches us in times of persecution when we obey his precepts.  In Yodh, the psalmist provides a bit of a summary, with stanzas in an unusual structure. The verses of Yodh form what the NIV Study Bible calls a “concentric structure”, with similarity of verses in pairs from beginning to end: 73/80:  these verses (more…)